Micro needling Combined with Led Light Therapy


New state-of-the-art fractional micro-needling device. Offering effective vertical micro-needling at a very fast speed that delivers superior treatment results and is safe for the patient/client. It generates little noise and vibrations
By creating a series of thousands of vertical microscopic channels into the dermis MICROINJECTO LITHIUM+ stimulates the natural production of new collagen and elastin, reduces hyper-pigmentation and enhances penetration of active ingredients It is suitable for all skin types and can be used all over the body. Accompany with hyaluronic acid and a cocktail of vitamins skin serums that penetrate through top skin layers and reach the dermis level, helping to replenish natural nutrients, restore cell activity and promote skin health. The result is healthy, glowing, beautiful skin.
The benefits of this treatment are substantial in relation to the overall rejuvenation of skin health. Due to its superior speeds and precision engineering, there is short recovery or down time for patients with less discomfort experienced by patients. Now that we have created these channels we can add Growth Factor Serums, hyaluronic acid & a cocktail of vitamins to the skin. These microscopic channels will allow the serum to go deep into the skin allowing it to heal correctly.
There is a little downtime with medical micro-needling, some people just experience some redness like a sunburn effect after the treatment is performed.

Medical Micro needling can be used on most areas of the body such as face, legs, arms neck etc.
The face is completely numbed after we use the numbing cream, we leave the numbing cream for a minimum of 15 minutes to ensure that the procedure is completely painless.
Medical Micro Needling improves the thickness of the dermis as well as the epidermis. Your skin then becomes thicker, plumper and more youthful. It also helps with hyper-pigmentation as well as on hypo-pigmentation. Scars such as acne or light scarring see great improvement with medical micro needling treatments.
• Serums that are applied to the skin afterwards are also up to 1000 times more effective as the pores are opened and the product is absorbed deep into the skin. Micro needling can be more effective than ablative treatments like laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peel and just as effective as in stimulating collagen and elastin production to thicken the skin thereby erasing wrinkles and smoothing scars.
A typical session of medical micro needling on the face would take on average about 40-60 minutes depending on how the area being treated is.
The cost for 1 Treatment is €140.
The skin may be pink for 24-48 hours after your treatment. The skin may also feel warm, tight and itchy for a short while. The reaction of the skin is overall usually short and fades significantly after a couple of days on average, depending on your skin type. Patients with a more sensitive skin type or older patients may take upwards of one week to fully recover.
Side effects and risks are minimal with this type of treatment and typically include minor flaking or dryness of the skin, with some mild scab formation in rare circumstances.
After the treatment use tepid water to cleanse the treated area for the first 48 hours following treatment and drying the area gently without rubbing. Ensure that your hands are always clean when touching the area treated to avoid any infections. Avoid applying makeup products for the first 12 hours following treatment.
It can take between 6–8 weeks before visible results of skin regeneration are seen and the process will continue to evolve over the ensuing months providing a gradual improvement.
Although a single treatment can provide a noticeable result, ideally however a series of 2-3 treatments spaced about 6 -8 weeks apart, is recommended to achieve optimal results .
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